An Active Summer Serving Our Neighbors

With kids home from school, we know summer can be an extremely busy time for Minnesota families. It's no exception here at ICA, where we're serving more neighbors than we have in years!

Looking back at this past June, 886 different families received full food orders from ICA. That's the highest monthly number we have on record in over seven years! We also distributed 1,360 full food orders and emergency bags during that time. Once again, it's the highest number we've encountered going back to early 2015.

What we're finding is that a lot of families and individuals are visiting ICA for the first time. In fact, 80 new households utilized our food services early this summer, which is on track with what we saw at the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

With rising inflation and more displaced families being settled around the Twin Cities area, we fully expect high service numbers to continue. In response, we've added additional shopping blocks during the week and are also opening our doors every other Saturday.

How can you help? More than ever, we're truly relying on the generosity of our incredible base of supporters. With inflation impacting our purchasing power, it's your donations that are helping us keep our shelves stocked with culturally relevant, healthy options for our neighbors.

Click here to make a donation to ICA and help support the growing number of families utilizing our services.

Click here to watch a short news clip from Fox 9. Reporter Paul Blume recently visited the food shelf and spoke to ICA Executive Director Dan Narr about the trends we're witnessing in our community. Skip ahead to 1:40 if you just want our story.